KING - The Art of Simplicity
Summer Campaign 2020-21

KING's Art of Simplicity campaign was a means of shedding back the layers of complexity that is the current state of our world and exploring the simplicity of summer as a concept and all that it embodies.
We produced three brand films to honour the three sofas on display for the KING Summer Sale - the ZAZA, the JASPER and the DELTA.
Each brand film is representative of their own individual Summer inspired element. Whilst the chic and sophisticated ZAZA brand film is a gentle nod towards the way in which nature brings about connection through the journey of flower picking, pressing and bookmarks, the luxurious JASPER pays homage to light and celebrates family and intimacy through golden hues and stories of shadows through fresh sheets. The stylish and contemporary DELTA signifies transience, simplicity with water playing an important role in paying tribute to these elements.
Create content for the Summer Sale
to be used across TV, Social and Web
30sec Brand Jasper
30sec Brand Zaza

30sec Brand Delta

15 sec Zaza TVC

15sec Jasper TVC

15sec Delta TVC

Neo Bed Product Film

Zaza Product Film